The coastline, stretching across the provinces of Cadiz and Huelva, encompasses stories dating back over 3,000 years. Ancient civilisations like the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs all left their mark on the architecture, culture, and cuisine of the region. History buffs can delve into the past by visiting the charming port city of Cadiz.

This city played a pivotal role in shaping Spain’s future, hosting the signing of the country’s first constitution in 1812. Cadiz is also renowned for its vibrant Carnival celebrations, considered by many to be the most lively in all of Spain. Most Read on Euro Weekly News Across the border in Huelva, history comes alive in the villages of Moguer and Palos de la Frontera, collectively known as the Lugares Colombinos.

These historical sites offer a glimpse into the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus, whose explorations led to the discovery of America. Costa de la Luz is great for nature enthusiasts Costa de la Luz isn’t just about historical significance; it’s a great destination for nature enthusiasts. Visit Doñana National Park, Spain’s most important nature reserve.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts stunning landscapes – wetlands, marshlands teeming with unique wildlife, including the flamboyant flamingo. For those seeking an adrenaline rush, the region’s powerful waves and winds create ideal conditions for water sports like , windsurfing, and kitesurfing. After a day of exploration or adventure, visitors .