Wednesday, August 14, 2024 IMEX has released a new sustainability report ahead of IMEX America 2023, highlighting both the successes and challenges faced during last year’s event. The report, developed with MeetGreen, offers valuable insights into the environmental strategies implemented at IMEX America 2023, including the event’s classification as a zero-waste event for the fifth consecutive year, with 93% of waste diverted from landfills. Additionally, the report emphasizes the importance of reusing event materials, such as signage, and the successful use of 132,000 kWh of renewable solar energy, which reduced event emissions by approximately 95.

5 metric tons. While celebrating these achievements, the report also addresses areas for improvement, providing actionable tips for event organizers aiming for sustainability in their own events. This transparency is key as the meetings industry increasingly commits to net zero goals by 2024.

As the global meetings industry increasingly aligns with sustainability goals, IMEX America 2023 has set a benchmark by demonstrating practical approaches to achieving net zero emissions. With 78% of global event planners aiming to set net zero goals by the end of 2024, according to the AMEX 2024 Global Meetings and Events Forecast, the drive towards more environmentally responsible events is gaining momentum. Ahead of this year’s IMEX America, scheduled for October 8-10, the IMEX team has released a comprehensive Sustainability Report, p.