JERMAINE Jenas has voiced fears over his kids being bullied because of his inappropriate behaviour - and says they keep asking the same question. The former England footballer turned presenter, 41, was fired by the BBC after sending “inappropriate texts” to two female colleagues. Emotional Jenas is now trying to claw back his relationship with ex-model wife Ellie , whom he wed in 2011 when he was on loan at Aston Villa.

While Jenas has been referred to a therapist by his doctor, he fears his two eldest daughters — who are 11 and 16 — may fall victim to bullying because of his antics. Jenas said: “There have been difficult conversations to have with my 16-year-old and my 11-year-old. “They’re obviously of an age where they’re aware of social media and other bits and pieces.

That’s been hard. “I’ve let everyone down. When you’ve got kids , man.

Even my dog looked at me disappointed. “But with the kids, I think this is where I’m hoping the help will go a long way for me. “There are certain moments where I’m doing certain things where it’s just a complete, almost like a blackout of what I’m doing and I can’t be behaving like that.

“I can’t be taking so many risks with my own life, essentially.” Praising Ellie as an “amazing mother”, he said she was solely focused on the care of their two daughters and young son. Jenas explained: “It’s just about the children right now.

It’s the school holidays and they’re trapped in the hous.