Dear Pastor, I am writing to you for some advice. I have been going through a lot over the past few months. I recently turned 30 and I am dating a man in his early 50s.

I know this man for more than three years; we were just friends but we started dating one year ago. This man has come to my place and I have gone to his place on numerous occasions. I was going through a lot with family and I had financial issues, so I tend to forget things at times.

The man I was so fond of has started accusing me of being unfaithful. He claims I'm too friendly with my neighbour and that I'm seeing other men or getting dropped off at home by them, though he has no proof of any of these accusations. I admit, I'm often on the phone, either talking or texting, but now he says he doesn't trust me and that I should just live my life however I want.

What really stood out is that on his social media, I've noticed him liking and commenting under other women's photos with things like 'sweet girl', 'beauty', 'cutie', or 'beauty queen'. I mentioned it to him once, but he didn't stop. He said both of us are just dating as friends.

I am trying to understand how we are dating as friends when all we do now is have sex and nothing more. I feel he is drifting from me because we used to talk late into the night and do other things. He said that every night we spent on the phone talking, I was wasting his time.

I recently noticed that he doesn't call me during the nights any more, only in the daytime. During th.