WALKING to her sun lounger Fern Logan unfolds her towel, takes off her sarong revealing a skimpy string bikini and begins soaking up the sun. As a resort waiter brings her a mocktail, Fern’s well aware that not only the 20-year-old server, but men of all ages are casting admiring looks her way. It’s no surprise that within twenty minutes a tanned 30-something bloke swims up beside her sunbed asking if she’d be up for a drink or dinner date.

Flattered, Fern tells the man that she’s old enough to be his grandmother but he refuses to believe her. It’s a reaction Fern is used to and why she always carries her ‘proof of age’ wherever she goes. Speaking exclusively to Fabulous, she says: “I’m proud to be a super-hot OAP.

“I’m 64 and people think I’m thirty years younger, I do look better than I did in my forties. “Men in their twenties and thirties beg me for dates.” Proud of her figure, Fern refuses to cover up and loves showing off her physique.

“I refuse to dress like a granny,” she says. “I have more than a dozen skimpy bikinis and love showing off my body. “I refuse to act my age and feel sexier now than I did in my twenties.

“People say I’ve got a J-lo body. Firm boobs, great tan, ageless looks and no flab or fat.” Divorced, Fern, 64, a part-time body double and model who lives in Southend on Sea, says her ageless look is not the result of expensive surgery or fillers.

“I stay looking good because I am dedicated to a cheap and cheer.