Why? To try and raise as much money as possible in the fight against one of the biggest killers among men, suicide. Someone in the UK dies by suicide every 90 minutes. Check the time on your phone or computer and try and put that into context.

Suicide is a hugely sensitive, complex issue with a tangled multitude of causes. And unless you've thought that way before, you may never truly understand it. But what we can say for certain, is that it breaks families, friends and communities and tears apart the lives of those who survive it.

Of course, suicide does not just target men. Young women under the age of 24 have seen the highest rise in suicide rate since records began. That is why charities such as CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) are so important.

The NHS isn't what it once was, I think we can all agree on that, which has led to people struggling to find help more than ever. So, thanks to the brilliant Venari Partners, Myself and the rest of the amazing group - who you can learn more about here - will be heading to Norway to try and raise money in the fight against depression and suicide. Here is the link if you would like to donate.

Now I'll share a little, far from all, of my own experience with mental health. A little trigger warning here for anyone who suffers from panic attacks I'm someone who relies on Valium to sometimes function. If I’m planning on flying, Valium, restraints, and a full round of anaesthesia.

It takes a lot for me to forget I'm me. Case in.