Raj B Shetty, the director and actor known for films like Ondu Motteya Kathe and Garuda Gamana Vrishaba Vahana, has made a name for himself across both South Indian cinema and Bollywood. Fresh from his Malayalam debut in Turbo alongside Mammootty, Raj B Shetty is now set to make his mark in Hindi cinema. This venture not only expands his cinematic horizons but also fulfils a long-held aspiration to collaborate with one of his filmmaking idols.

Raj B Shetty will make a special appearance in Anurag Kashyap’s upcoming film, joining a star-studded cast featuring Bobby Deol, Sanya Malhotra, Saba Azad, and Joju George, who is set to make his Hindi debut with the film. “I’m taking on this role primarily for Anurag Kashyap, who has been a huge inspiration to me,” Raj shares. “When I aspired to be a director, I admired the uniqueness of Kashyap’s projects.

My cinematographer, Praveen Shriyan, and I would often discuss his work.” Raj, who earned praise from Anurag for Garuda Gamana Vrishabha Vahana, shares, “During our discussions about GGVV, I expressed interest in collaborating with him as a writer, and he was open to the idea. When he offered me a role in his film, I immediately accepted.

While I haven’t met him in person, his work has always been a huge inspiration. Collaborating with him is a dream come true, and I’m doing this cameo solely for the filmmaker.” Raj is set to join the film’s set on Wednesday.

Actor-director Raj B Shetty is expanding his cinem.