In our weekly series, readers can email in with any financial dilemma and enter the Money Moral Maze . Are your friends racking up big drinks tabs and then trying to split the bill equally, is your partner overspending on your joint account? No matter your dilemma, email in anonymously, and the i money and business team will do our best to answer. This week’s dilemma can be found below – email us at money@inews. with yours. Dilemma I’m a freelance writer, and I’ve been feeling so burnt out recently.

I’ve been juggling multiple projects for months – different deadlines for different editors, creative demands, endless revisions – and I can feel myself cracking under the pressure. The problem is, I can’t afford to stop. I need the work to pay the bills , and without paid holidays, sick days, or regular income, taking time off feels like a luxury I can’t afford.

But at what cost? I’m finding it really hard to focus when I sit down to write, harder to produce work to my usual standard, and more difficult to stay motivated. The anxiety of needing a break but not being able to take one is overwhelming to be honest. Every time I think about stepping back to recharge, the guilt kicks in.

I worry that if I stop for even a short time, a week for example, I’ll fall behind on projects and end up with more stress in the long run. So, I keep pushing, hoping the fatigue will eventually subside. How do I find a way out of this cycle? Is there any way I can prioritis.