My mother is losing her physical abilities and I’m at a loss as to how to help her out. She used to be very strong and able to walk for hours. She was recently sick and was in bed for the better part of two weeks.

As a result, she has lost much of her muscle in her legs. I’ve tried suggesting we go for a walk once a day, but she’s only agreed once in the past three weeks. I think she’s depressed.

How can I help her before this becomes the beginning of the end? You’ve pinpointed exactly what can happen if your mom doesn’t get the help she needs. With her by your side, look online for seniors’ walking groups. Find something that’s interesting to her, perhaps, walking in a certain park in your city, or getting out of the city to the country.

Then together search for an in-home physiotherapist (if available in your area), who will come to her and help get her back on her feet. The work with the physio is necessary to increase her strength and stamina with the goal of being physically able to join the group, and in turn, the group will give her social interaction. The combination will hopefully bring your mom back to a healthy place, physically and mentally.

Also, if you have siblings, children old enough to help, and/or in-laws, between the group of you, you could each take her out once a day — even just around the block — and again, the social interaction and physical movement will help her so much. What is it with builders, contractors, plumbers, electrician.