There are numerous beauty habits that could be putting your health at risk, especially when it comes to your eyesight. Imran Ali, an optometrist from Low Cost Glasses has warned that your makeup routine might be putting your eyesight at risk, with potential dangers lurking in your makeup bag. The first thing Imran warns against is sharing your makeup brushes with someone else.

They explain: "Never share your makeup, as cross-contamination can spread viral infections, leading to eyelid swelling, eye inflammation, or even discharge. "If you've shared cosmetics and notice any of these symptoms, it's important to schedule an appointment with your optician." Imran also stresses that you should never use out-of-date makeup.

"Makeup doesn't have a use-by date like food and it's hard to know if something has gone off just by looking at it," they explain. "Generally, makeup can last anywhere from 3 months to a year but depending on how you have stored your makeup can affect its shelf life. "I'd recommend checking the product manufacturer guidelines to see if your makeup is still safe to use.

You can also minimise the chance of bacteria growth if you clean your makeup applicators or brushes every 7 days." Imran has highlighted the importance of washing your hands before applying makeup, adding that not doing so can increase the spread of germs and harmful bacteria than can then end up in your eyes. Another mistake people can make with their makeup is keeping it on overnight, which can .