Every year, large numbers of British tourists flock to various Spain to soak in the sunny weather and beautiful beaches. Topping the list of the most popular destinations among the Brits , Spain saw a record-breaking 94 million international tourists, with the UK being the top country of origin for visitors. While making a list of essential items for their visit to the pretty islands, several holidaymakers forgot to focus on the Spanish language, which is equally important to enjoy the vacation.
Experts from online Spanish classes platform Preply have shared some 10 crucial phrases that British tourists must know before planning a visit to Spain. A Preply spokesperson said: “Many people focus on the fun aspects of their trip, and rightly so! But taking the time to learn a few essential phrases could be invaluable if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation.” Below are the top 10 phrases that every Brit should know: 1.
¡Ayuda! English definition: Help! "Ayuda" is arguably the most crucial Spanish word you should know before your holiday. Shouting this in an emergency will alert those nearby that you’re in distress and need assistance. This word is pronounced ‘Ah-yoo-dah’, with the “ah” pronounced like the “a” in “dark”, and the “dah” pronounced like the “da” in “dad”.
2. Llama a la policía English definition: Call the police Nobody anticipates the need for police assistance on holiday, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. .