We all enjoy a night out with our mates from time to time. It's an excellent opportunity to catch up, reminisce and share a few laughs. However, figuring out who pays the bill is always the less enjoyable part of the evening.

Now, thanks to etiquette expert William Hanson, you no longer need to fret about who should pick up the tab. Hanson, whose quick etiquette tips are a hit on his Instagram and TikTok accounts, reaches up to five million people regularly with his handy hints. In one of his recent videos, he clarified who should really foot the bill when you're enjoying a night out with your friends, at least if you want to be polite.

In the TikTok video, he highlighted something important to consider when dining out, which is related to how much you consume. Read More Related Articles You've been opening fizzy drink cans wrong – and simple tip doesn't involve your fingers Read More Related Articles You've been eating ice cream wrong – the key is always using your tongue Hanson stated: "The simple answer is everyone needs to have the same number of courses, and then you divide the bill by the number of people present. "If there is one friend who maybe has had a more expensive dish, when they order it, they should announce to the group that they are happy to pay a little bit extra at the end.

Fair's fair." Since the video was posted, it has received over 39,000 likes, and people have had plenty to say about the advice. When it comes to money , Brits seem to have strong o.