Tommy Emmanuel is a master of . And yet, at its core, his approach is simple. “I never think about technology,” he says.

“All I’m looking for is good sound. Just give me one great sound, and I’m off. That’s all I’m looking for.

” Tommy has learned a thing or three after nearly 30 solo albums, tons of guest spots and more accolades than you can shake a stick at. He’s a virtuoso of the highest order, but the beautiful thing is that he’s never stopped learning. What’s more, he revels in teaching.

“If you’re just picking up the guitar,” he says, “you better learn some chords, song structure, and as many songs as possible. You’ve got to learn how songs are constructed, how to count the beat, and when to change. Learn how to get that all together.

“People approach me and say, ‘I want to play like you. How?’ I say, ‘How long have you been playing?’ They say, ‘Two years.’ And I’ll say, ‘Forget it!’” Tommy reiterates that if you want to be the best, first, you’ve got to get down to basics – and never forget them.

“It’s another world doing all the harder stuff,” he says. “So you’ve got to learn to do it all properly. Learn why the melody works against chords.

Figure out how to make that feel like a singer. But all that comes with experience and time. I encourage young people to use tabs as a roadmap, but it all comes down to learning song structures, chords, and, most importantly, things you can work on with other peopl.