A TRAVELLER girl has revealed the strict rules she grew up with - from not being allowed sleepovers to boyfriends being off the cards. Zoey Pon, who left school at the age of 13, explained that growing up in the traveller community meant that she wasn’t allowed a phone and also was forbidden to drink alcohol . As well as this, the young woman also claimed that mixing with people outside of her community was frowned upon.

Posting on social media , the Irish traveller shared an insight into what her childhood was really like, leaving many open-mouthed. In a short clip shared online, the gypsy girl responded to a comment that read: ‘Can someone explain what a traveller is?’ To this, the curly-haired beauty revealed all, as she said: “So basically what a traveller is - the girls of us get to go to school around the age of 10, 11, the boys don't go to school. Read more Fabulous stories “The women stay at home cleaning and cooking , the men go out to work and so basically, the men provide for the women.

” Zoey recognised that travellers “ travel around a lot” and face a lot of discrimination that “country people” don’t. Not only this, but she explained that phones weren’t allowed at a young age too. And if that wasn't enough, Zoey opened up on the strict rules when it came to dating .

Most read in Fabulous She continued: "And we were not allowed a boyfriend until basically a future husband is actually coming to the door to ask for us, other than that, you're .