GETTING married can be both one of the most exciting and one of the most stressful periods of anyone's life. And after months, or sometimes years, of planning it's no surprise that couples struggle to sleep as the big day draws near. As a bride, you face an immense amount of stress - especially in the final days that countdown to the wedding.

Even the positive stresses can cause a number of sleepless nights with all the last-minute preparations looming. While you're trying to please everyone, it's easy to let yourself get swept up and forget to prioritise your sleep. Luckily, one expert is on hand to share their top tips on how to get a good night's sleep before the big day.

Sleep expert Dr Deborah Lee from Doctor Fox , has partnered with Get Laid Beds and revealed the five things you can do to ensure you wake up on your wedding day like a princess. And following them can make sure you wake up feeling refreshed and radiant, and not like a Bridezilla. It might sound silly, but getting yourself into a sleep routine a few weeks before your wedding can help make sure you get enough rest the night before.

Deborah says: “Creating a little ritual to do pre-sleep in the weeks running up to your wedding is crucial. "You should start by going to bed at the same time every night to help regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and more importantly, STAY asleep. "Some other additions you could add to your routine could be to take a warm bath, journaling so.