It’s quite common to wake up in the night and need to go to the toilet. However, an expert has warned that if it regularly happens multiple times a night, you might need to seek medical advice. According to the NHS, it is normal to pass water up to eight times a day and once or twice a night.

But doing this repeatedly is known as nocturia, and could be a sign of something serious. For example, increased urination can be a sign you have diabetes, which can occur at any age. Other causes of an overactive bladder include: Urinary tract infection (UTI) Enlarged prostate in middle-aged and older men Swelling and infection of the urethra Vaginitis Nerve-related problems.

If you think your nocturia is linked to any of these issues, you should speak to your doctor. As reported by Wales Online , over a third of people in the UK suffer from nocturia, meaning many will lose out on hundreds of hours of sleep each year. However, the cause of nocturia is not always due to a health issue.

With this in mind, Dr Kathrine Hall from Somnus Therapy writing for Happy Beds , revealed what could be causing your nocturia and how to prevent it. When it comes to sleeping positions, Dr Hall said resting on your side is the best way to sleep. There have been studies showing a link between improving sleep apnoea symptoms and improving overactive bladder symptoms, therefore reducing frequent trips to the toilet.

One of the best positions for those with sleep apnoea and nocturia is to sleep on your side .