Everybody wants gorgeous hair while they're on holiday , but sometimes, pesky (but necessary) chemicals can put a stop to that. If you've been lucky enough to go on holiday this year, or you're jetting off soon, the likelihood is that you'll be swimming in a hotel pool to cool down. And while you may have good intentions and put your hair up in a bun, or a clip, inevitably, while you're having fun, it'll get wet.

@dorian_marie_hair , a scalp expert , took to TikTok to explain that "chlorine is very damaging to your scalp and to your hair" and "over time it can make your hair turn green amongst other things", so it's important you wash it out properly after exposure. She said that as far as "aftercare" goes, then the first thing you need to do is "rinse it out as fast as you can". Dori explained that you should rinse it with just water at the poolside showers to begin with.

But she did note you should "massage and rinse it out very, very, very thoroughly". She shared that you should "take a little extra time to really move your hair around and make sure that each strand is really getting a rinse". And when it comes to shampooing, she said you have two options.

If you're going to be in chlorine every day, you probably won't want to waste your time shampooing every day. Thankfully, Dori shared that you could just thoroughly rinse daily without shampooing – and only use products when you feel like you really need them. Alternatively, she recommended finding a "daily shampoo" th.