Opening up about her life as a rich housewife , one woman has shared the details of her lavish marriage . Soudi Al Nadak, originally from Sussex and now living in Dubai, revealed that her husband has spent over £440,000 on her birthday and summer holidays alone. When she turned 27 last month, Soudi was treated by her 33-year-old husband Jamal to a shopping trip to Miu Miu and Hermès, where together they splashed a whopping £38,000 on clothes and accessories.

The celebrations didn’t stop there either: afterwards, the couple enjoyed a luxury dinner out, spending £1,000 before swinging past a beauty clinic for a ‘face full of filler’ to the tune of £16,000. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a webbrowser that supports HTML5video And, as well as a spa trip that came in at just under £900, there’s more to come. Businessman Jamal is whisking her away on a trip that’s set to cost him around £420,000.

‘We are going to spend six weeks in Europe, travelling to Italy, Switzerland, San Marino and Austria,’ said Soudi. ‘I think it’ll cost him around $500,000 (£420,000) depending on how much shopping we do.’ Soudi and Jamal met eight years ago while they were both studying in Dubai, and have now been married for four years.

Before they got married, Soudi signed an extensive pre-nup agreement which guaranteed certain rights for her – including that if he cheated on her, he would need to give her 100% of his wealth, something.