Home organizing might not seem trendy, but as it grows in popularity and more of us look for new ways to streamline our homes and be aesthetically pleasing, new trends tend to pop up. But what does the world of organizing look like heading into 2025, with AI assistants on the rise and the era of under-consumption taking hold? I’m Courtney Cummings, a professional home organizer and founder of The Stylish Organizer . Here, I shed light on the 2024 organizing trends that don’t work and reveal the 2025 organizing trends that will assist us in the new year.

1. Over complicated systems There are several organizing trends experts are relieved to leave behind in 2024, but the biggest among them is overcomplicated organizing systems – they are one of the main reasons you can’t stay organized ! The biggest pro tip from me: Keep it simple. Organizing should be something that helps you live more efficiently and with less stress, not something that causes you anxiety because you are attempting to maintain a complex, hyper-categorized system.

Don’t get me wrong, I love sorting into categories and zones to help me (and my clients) keep track of where everything goes, but give yourself some breathing room to actually live with your systems. When organizing a pantry , for example, snacks can just be that, snacks. You don’t have to create separate spaces for chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn, and so on.

Flexibility is the name of the game. Use this approach to help you maintain your .