WHEN we think of anti-ageing, most of us think about lathering retinols on our faces at night and SPF in the morning. But arguably the most important factor of all is the oldest trick in the book: getting plenty of beauty sleep . Beauty sleep means getting such a good night’s kip that you wake up feeling rested and energised the next day - and it shows on your face.

During a good night sleep and as our body recharges, the skin undergoes significant repair and regeneration that can make it appear more youthful. So, while having an enviable cabinet of lotions and potions works at surface-level, you can promote anti-ageing benefits from the inside-out by sleeping deeper . That’s a sentiment echoed by Laura Dowling, a pharmacist and the founder of fabÜ, who swears by a certain herb to shave years off your face while you catch Zs.

In fact, she thinks “there is no better anti-ageing remedy”. "Ashwagandha is a revered adaptogenic herb that has been used for thousands of years in traditional Indian ayurvedic medicine to promote calm and relaxation,” she tells Fabulous. “Ashwagandha gives a deeper, more restorative sleep.

“This nootropic is non-sedating and non-addictive and can be used at night to help people to switch off their busy minds so they can fall asleep quicker and stay asleep for longer. Most read in Fabulous “If you have had a great night’s sleep, you will wake up looking and feeling refreshed. “We all know how a poor night’s sleep shows on our fac.