Bloating is a common phenomenon experienced by many of us. Whether a result of eating a certain type of food, drinking a particularly gassy beverage or an underlying health condition, it can be uncomfortable and frustrating. With this in mind, one expert shared a simple remedy she has used herself to banish a bloated stomach.

According to nutritionist Laura Parada , hibiscus tea has a myriad of health benefits - including “reducing” abdominal swelling. In her book, ‘What makes us eat like this?’ which is referenced in an El HuffPost article, she explains that the hibiscus flower has many different medicinal properties. This includes reducing bloating, with hibiscus flower infusion is already used in many parts of the world as an anti-inflammatory remedy.

She said: "This red flower with medicinal properties is known as hibiscus rose or rosella. It is originally from Africa, but today it is grown in many regions of the world and is used to prepare infusions." These infusions are taken both cold and hot and "are used in many cultures to combat insomnia, heart problems and inflammation”.

“They also help speed up metabolism and reduce blood pressure," Parada continued. Find out about the symptoms you need to watch out for and get health advice with our free health newsletter from the Daily Express "The fruit acids present in this flower can act as laxatives. In addition to having a digestive effect, it helps combat heartburn, gastric spasms, gastroenteritis and gas.

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