Women often flaunt their bodies in - but one bombshell says it's not to attract attention. Anneliese King, a content creator who amassed over 403,000 followers on , is on a mission to help parents feel seen and confident. She regularly posts about various issues - from daily stresses to misconceptions and body image.

Recently, she emphasised the importance of embracing our changing bodies. As a mum, she's experienced many changes over the years, and she's more than proud to show how her body has evolved over time. In a recent post, she slipped into a slinky black swimsuit to make a big point - she loves her body.

She outlined her favourite parts about the female body, and they're really different to what people may think. As opposed to appreciating what it looks likes, instead she simply praised all the amazing things it can do. When you think about it, its abilities are pretty amazing.

She decided to open up about it after seeing "bizarre" quotes from men on her friend's post, and it made her think about a lot of things. Writing on Instagram, Anneliese said: "My favourite part about having a female body is how it can birth and grow babies, make actual food to feed them, bleed 25% of the time, walk around with actual wire tighly clipped around it, have the brain capacity to be able to find keys, and still have its purpose believed to be 'soley for the male gaze'." Since she shared the post, it's been liked over 8,000 times, and people were quick to comment too.

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