Many people are shocked when I tell them my clients pay $350,000 for my matchmaking services. I tell them it's a small price, to pick the right partner the first time. I'm best known as , helping ultra-high-net-worth men find their partners.

My clientele can be demanding of my time, but they value my expertise and are serious about finding love. I tell them the quickest way to find their match is to ditch their "type" and get offline and meet people in person. I moved to the UAE for love I moved to the UAE in 2016 to chase a man with whom I had a whirlwind romance the year before.

Though we separated shortly after, I fell in love with and decided to stay permanently. I worked my way up as a teacher and, by 29, became a primary school leader, guiding a team of 55. In 2020, my work turned remote, and I channeled my restless energy into creating an Instagram account called Dating in Dubai, where I documented my experiences dating in the city.

My profile quickly gained popularity, and I realized I had hit an untapped market in the UAE. A recent influx of people , transforming it from a notoriously transient city to a permanent home. and laws were Westernized to allow residents to and have children out of wedlock.

People were looking for serious relationships more than ever, and so they clung to my content as a pillar of relatability. I got fired and decided to build my matchmaking service The school I was working for at the time caught wind of my Instagram account and fired me, s.