An expert has warned that some “subtle” symptoms you might easily ignore could be a sign of a deadly disease. According to a gynaecologist, many women can experience warning signs of ovarian cancer but not even realise. Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer found in women in the UK, figures from Cancer Research UK show.

Each year around 7,400 women are diagnosed with the disease. One of the biggest issues with this type of cancer is that currently more than 75 percent of cases are diagnosed at a later stage, when the cancer has already spread into the abdomen or beyond. Although treatments have significantly improved, a later diagnosis does mean that survival rates are lower.

With this in mind, gynaecologist Doctor Susanna Unsworth warned that ovarian cancer does not often cause significant symptoms until it has already become quite advanced. But she claimed there are several subtle symptoms that may occur earlier. Speaking to The Mirror , she said: "I would encourage booking a review with your GP if you are experiencing them.

Many of the symptoms are subtle and do not mean that you have ovarian cancer. But it is worth having them checked out to hopefully exclude any underlying problem." Dr Unsworth, who is the founder of Cambridge Women’s Health Menopause Clinic and menopause supplement Meno8 , claimed the "key symptoms" to look out for are bloating, pain, urinary symptoms and a lump or swelling.

In terms of bloating, this is "new onset bloating, bloating that.