skynesher via Getty Images We’ve written before about cortisol, commonly known as “the stress hormone,” at HuffPost UK. WebMD describes it as the body’s “alarm system.” The adrenal glands release it, and according to the NHS , cortisol affects everything from inflammation to blood pressure and even calcium absorption.

Pertinent to TikTok’s “cortisol face” discussion, excessive cortisol can also cause weight gain. So, app users have taken to showing what they call their “cortisol face,” often followed by an “after” picture of a less puffy face. Advertisement But is this really caused by the hormone, and do the methods some app users recommend to “cure” cortisol face (including partaking in less intensive exercise, avoiding your phone in the morning, skimping on caffeine, and more) work? Cortisol is a powerful hormone Recently, Dr.

Karan Rajan Stitched a TikTok about the subject. He began his video by saying, “say you’re chronically stressed. It’s very likely that you also have elevated cortisol levels.

” This, he explains , “can have an impact on the distribution of where fat is stored, as well as increasing the deposition of the ‘harmful’ visceral fat.” Stress can affect the hunger and satiety chemicals leptin and ghrelin too, he adds; it can mess with your energy levels as well , “potentially leading you to eat more, move less, and sleep less.” Advertisement With all that said, is cortisol the sole cause of “cortisol face?�.