1 Tell us about your Fringe show My debut Fringe show The Cool Mum is a clean comedy show that is really relatable for the whole family; from Gen Zers to Boomers. It’s based on my own parenting experiences and I perform it as parody of a personal development seminar. I turn my parenting disasters into evidence that I am a truly cool mum! It’s a show about family relationships and the quest for ‘coolness’! Audiences say they love the hilarious video clips in my show which star with my own teens; there’s a role reversal skit with my daughter and an observation of ‘teenagers in the wild ‘with my son and his friends.

Another highlight is the fun audience participation bits of the show such as a parent role playing a teenage boy and the ‘Cool Dad make-over’. I give very cool Tshirts to my audience volunteers! My show includes Tik Tok dances, cool lingo training and tips for being a ‘social media aware parent’ (aka stalking your kids on Insta). You will leave Lit AF! The show has been really popular ‘Downunder’.

It won best solo show and audience favourite show at Nelson Fringe and has sold out at New Zealand and Australian festivals with 5 star reviews. I think UK audiences will love the show too! I wrote most of the show when I was in the thick of parenting teenagers myself. I definitely used writing comedy as a coping mechanism for the challenges of parenting my kids! I found comedy really helps with processing the hellish moments with teenagers! Traged.