The high street may be your go-to place for affordable beauty products but one beauty expert claimed several skincare items being sold by some shops are "pointless". Taking to TikTok , skincare expert Natalie O'Neill shared which items she personally wouldn't buy from stores. While in Primark , Natalie pointed out which of the products she wouldn't purchase, beginning with a retinol sheet mask.

She explained: "Retinol is getting really popular on social media so I imagine a lot of people are gravitating towards this mask. "Don't waste your money on any single-use retinol products, you need to use it consistently for months to get any kind of benefit out of it, in fact, it might just break you out if you only use it once." The next item Natalie points out is the cellulite roller, which she says is designed to "prey on people's insecurities.

" "Cellulite is normal, everybody has it," she explains, "and one thing that's sure, this will not get rid of it for £1.50, if it did we'd all have it and no one would have cellulite anymore." Natalie then turned her focus to some vitamin C cleansing wipes, pointing out that if you use a cleanser after then the vitamin C will get wiped straight off.

She added: "It's also not really a good idea to use vitamin C and fragrance all over your eyelids, a really sensitive part of your face." The final item which Natalie described as "pointless", were facial cleansing brushes, which she claimed "seem to have made a comeback from the 90s". Natalie a.