My father has a sister who we barely know. Growing up, she would appear at large family gatherings but never at small, intimate family get-togethers. She would at best acknowledge our existence, but she was never kind, never spoke to us, never gave us gifts, never engaged.

As we got older, we would ask our grandparents and our dad about her, but they would all just say she was wrapped up in her own world, and we didn’t really understand that. As young teenagers, sometimes we would be rude and ignore her because we felt she had done the same to us for years. My twin brother and I have just turned 21 and our aunt has reached out to both of us, offering to take us for dinner and drinks.

We don’t get it. Should we go? Yes, you should go. Why not? You have your brother, and he has you, so you’re not alone.

Nothing untoward is going to happen ...

. she’s still your aunt, your father’s sister, family. Who knows what’s been going on in her life for the past 21 years? Maybe she was ill, maybe she was going through a bad divorce, maybe she was having mental health issues, maybe she just doesn’t like kids.

You’ll never know unless you join her for dinner and ask questions. But be nice! Hear her out and then make an informed decision on how much — or how little — you’d like her in your life. I am a male, 35 and still living at home with my parents.

So I must behave all the time. I’m single, obviously, and I like women. But I can’t just bring someone home, or watc.