A SKINCARE enthusiast is sharing a technique she picked up in her 40s that granted her wrinkle-free skin. She revealed that she swears by a $24 anti-aging buy that keeps fine lines at bay. Redditor Nakedonmygoat shared the beauty tip in a post.

"I got into facial oils in my 40s. I started with an argan oil sample that came in a subscription box," she said. "I had a dry patch on my face that wouldn't go away, and the oil cleared it right up.

" She quickly realized that facial oils were the move and researched high-quality yet affordable picks, settling on the $24 Shea Terra Organics 100% Pure Egyptian Pomegranate Extra Virgin Oil . "I started looking around. I've found Shea Terra Organics to be affordable and have a wide variety," she said.

"I'm satisfied with their pricing and product line. I currently like their pomegranate oil." She credited the skincare brand with the state of her skin and attested to its efficacy.

"I'm 57 and have no fine lines, so I think that says something about facial oils," she said. One pitfall, however, is that she's discovered that she must limit usage to her skin. "I can't use oil on my hair, though.

Totally wrong texture," she said. "I got a hair treatment oil in a subscription box once, tried it out, and it was a complete disaster. "When I admitted this to a coworker who had once been a hairdresser, she had to stifle her laughter.

"She knew my hair was all wrong for oil." Her dilemma, however, varies from person to person as everyone has differe.