Looking ten years younger is an ambition for many . But one woman is taking looking more youthful than her years to the extreme - with many saying she looks 25 rather than her real age of 55. TikToker and fashion designer Sue Giers loves dressing to impress and shares regular outfit updates with her 20,000 followers.

One clip is captioned 'I’m 55 but I feel like a 25 year old' and it’s now been seen by an astonishing 1.5million people. On the short video, mum-of-three Sue looks trim, dressed all in black, and dances for the camera to Madonna’s hit song La Isla Bonita.

Many of her fans agree that she looks at least 30 years younger - with many saying Sue resembles Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City. One commenter said: “You look like 25 to be honest. "And you look like a 25 year old!” another agreed.

According to her fashion website, Sue grew up in the metropolis of Wolfsburg, Germany. It explains: “Partly cloudy, mostly cheerful, her glass is half full rather than half empty. She would like to be the heroine in a John Irving novel.

” So...

what’s her secret? Sue said: “Never ever let anyone tell you how to dress and act, it’s your life.” Meanwhile, Dr Kate Jameson – the co-founder of Youth Lab – has revealed her secrets to looking younger. She said: "By becoming aware of these surprising habits [that age you] and making simple changes, you can significantly slow down the aging process and maintain a youthful appear.