A 55-YEAR-OLD woman who has legs you are bound to be envious of has shared her top tips to staying toned.So if you want to look youthful as you start to get older, you’ve come to the right place.A mother has revealed that whilst she may be 55, she has legs like a 25-year-oldTikTok / @sue.

giersSue Giers shared her top five tips to look youthful, including the free habit you must followTikTok / @sue.giersSue Giers, a content creator with 53,200 followers on TikTok, took to social media to share the five tricks she swears by for her youthful look, leaving many gobsmacked. Posting on social media, the blonde haired beauty, who is “not sad” about her age, uploaded a short clip of her wearing a unitard as she danced around her home.

Sue, who is from Hamburg, Germany, styled the baby blue outfit with a pair of gold high heels and confidently flicked her hair as she wrote: “I’m 55 years old but I have legs like a 25 year old.”Alongside the short clip, Sue revealed her “top tricks” for legs that look “smooth, toned and healthy”, including the free habit you need to start. Firstly, the influencer stressed the free piece of advice you should follow, as she highlighted the importance of consuming enough water.

Sue simply said: “Hydration is key – drink water like it’s your job.”As well as this, Sue revealed the two beauty habits you must follow, as she advised: “Exfoliate and moisturize – say no to dry, dull skin.”Additionally, Sue, who loves wearing skimp.