A 23-YEAR-OLD has revealed that her friends think that her 49-year-old boyfriend is her sugar daddy, but insisted that their love is real. May and Richard state that they are best friends, who do "anything and everything" together. The couple met when May was just 21, and he helped her out when she was lost.

"I thought he was handsome, he had beautiful teeth, he was in shape", she told Love Don't Judge . May initially kept the relationship private, but recently decided to show off her new love on social media. Her post received a barrage of hateful comments, including people calling their relationship "sick" and stating that May was going to "catch dementia" by being too close to him.

May has also received negativity from her friends, who have called Richard May's sugar daddy, and asked her if he can be their sugar daddy too. "He's not my sugar daddy, I really love him", she said. "Rich is not rich enough to be my sugar daddy", she added.

"And I don't think he's old enough yet either." May has cut off all of the friends that have been negative about her relationship with Richard. However, she said that the couple are often faced with judgement every time they go out on a date together.

"The whole room turns and looks at us, everywhere we go", she said. When Richard's family first met May they were concerned that she would leave him for someone younger. However, after seeing them together, they saw how happy they were and came around.

May and Richard recently decided to start .