Since President took office, every American community has become a border community. More than 1.5 million migrants have crossed our southern border illegally in the past six months, straining available resources beyond the breaking point and driving up cartel crime from coast to coast.

Now, the Biden-Harris administration’s inaction is jeopardizing our country’s crown jewels, our national park sites, and putting Americans’ safety at risk. Nearly a year ago, the National Park Service and the state of New York rushed a shady backdoor lease to “temporarily” house migrants at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn. Since then, community members have lost recreational space, seen panhandling at all hours of day and night, and are being terrorized by migrants’ attempts to extort drivers by jumping in front of their moving cars.

The community also lives with widespread reports of criminality in the area, including domestic violence, shoplifting and prostitution. In addition, migrants at Floyd Bennett Field are subjected to hazardous living conditions and a lack of security, a result of park police resources being stretched thin. How did we get here? It started when the Biden-Harris administration initiated the lease to help mitigate their inability to stop the flow of migrants over the southern border.

As hotels and other landmarks across New York City were repurposed and filled with migrants, officials looked for a location where migrants could be processed and housed out of .