RICHMOND, Calif. , Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a major step forward for environmental justice, the City of Richmond and Chevron have reached a historic settlement that will significantly increase taxes for the Chevron Richmond refinery.

Unions representing hundreds of city employees, including SEIU 1021 and IFPTE Local 21, applaud the leadership of Mayor Martinez and Councilmember Jimenez in reaching this deal. This is an unprecedented victory for the city and its residents, who have long advocated for Richmond's biggest polluters to pay their fair share. This agreement will: "Today I am celebrating, along with those who have fought hard to make polluters pay, for this joyous victory," said Yvette Williams-Barr , Senior Administrative Analyst for Community Services and IFPTE Local 21 member.

"Big polluters will finally pay, and Richmond taxpayers will be able to receive the services they have been demanding for years." Greg Everetts is a Maintenance Lead Worker for the City of Richmond , and he serves as the Chapter President for SEIU Local 1021 there. He said, "The health issues that pollution causes in Richmond hurt us all, whether we live in Richmond or work in Richmond or, like so many of our members, both.

The way that this city's workforce and residents have had to do without has been shameful, and that's why it's so important that we were able to avoid lengthy litigation and achieve this settlement. We're grateful to Mayor Martinez and Councilmember Jimenez, and t.