Do you keep killing your houseplants no matter how hard you try to look after them? You're not alone. If you keep killing your indoor plants (no matter how much you love them), you might be making this common mistake. Not everyone was born with the green-fingered gene but that doesn't mean we should stop trying! Adding houseplants to your home can bring a little life into an indoor space but they can also be good for our wellbeing too.

For instance, they can reportedly help boost our moods, reduce stress and improve air quality. They do so much good that it's key that we learn how to look after them properly. Why do all my indoor plants die? One of the most common mistakes that causes houseplants to die is placing them in the wrong levels of sunlight.

In order to protect them, we need to understand the role that different light levels and our windows can play in our houseplant's health . “Having house plants near windows is a great way to bring the outdoors inside and add life to your home. However, keeping them alive can be a struggle for even the greenest thumbs," according to Katharine Allison, windows expert at Independent Advisor Windows.

Katherine added: “Having your plants directly next to a window often feels like the safest way to ensure they receive the sunlight they need to stay healthy and grow, but every plant has different needs.” To help you keep your plants alive and thriving, Katherine has urged you to move the following plants away from the window (and.