DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My wife is a Sunday golfer, or claims to be. She gets up early, showers, gets all fixed up and then comes in to give me a peck goodbye. She always says, “Have a great day — I know I will.

” Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My wife is a Sunday golfer, or claims to be. She gets up early, showers, gets all fixed up and then comes in to give me a peck goodbye. She always says, “Have a great day — I know I will.

” Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? Opinion DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My wife is a Sunday golfer, or claims to be. She gets up early, showers, gets all fixed up and then comes in to give me a peck goodbye. She always says, “Have a great day — I know I will.

” I hate it when she says that. Then she’s off in her car to meet the girls and head out to the golf course. They like to go to rural golf courses because she says they are less crowded.

She doesn’t come home until 6 or 7 p.m. when I have the barbecue going for supper.

When she arrives, she’s always in a great mood, but a bit tired and quite vague about her golf game. She’ll tell me she doesn’t really want to talk about it and change the subject. I suspect she’s having an affair because it would be payback for an affair I had once.

I swore I would never cheat again after I got caught seeing somebody through a sport I am involved with, and I haven’t. I only.