A hike into the unknown, across 600km and multiple countries proves to be life-changing for Rose Jacobs, a 40-something-year-old single mum who never knew she had it in her “Come and do The Dream Way!” they said. A 570km Alpine trek from Munich’s Marienplatz in Germany to the Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy, also known as Der Traumpfad. “Well, that sounds nice,” I thought to my 44-year-old single mother self .

“I could do with a break.” And so began the gruelling 600km hike that started in Munich, across the Alps of Austria, traversed up and over the Dolomites in Italy and finally, crawled its way into Venice. Twenty-nine days, (averaging 10 hours walking per day) later.

Let me tell you now, this was anything but a dream. It was a test of everything physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual that I could endure. And it was extraordinary.
