Torbay Council will soon get the keys back to Torquay's troubled Pavilion, an iconic "pleasure palace" on the waterfront. The building is in a poor state after years of limbo and needs a rescue - but one reader's proposal to save the Pavilion has fellow Devon Live commenters talking . Reader Alan Payling suggested that the Council should giving one man a call when they take back the lease - JD Wetherspoon's pub magnate, Tim Martin.

He wrote: "Given that company’s history of refurbishing and using otherwise derelict/unwanted buildings, Tim Martin’s expertise could be invaluable in bringing the Pavilion back to profitable life." "Imagine, the Pavilion open from, what, 9am until last orders? What a boost! I can well imagine this suggestion will be met with hysterical screeches of derision and/or outrage from Torbay ’s Lord and Lady Snooty and their pals. But, they should hold their tongues and realise the world has moved on.

" Commenter Mrjollyer says: "Good idea. The Pav needs to be used in a way that creates footfall, is commercially viable and makes it a 'destination'. Love em' or loathe em', Spoons are a pull.

They would need to be allowed to put netting over any outdoor areas. The Imperial in Exeter doesn't and its a seagull frenzy. The Chevalier does on its rooftop garden and you can see a few gulls gazing at you forlornly as you chomp your stodge.

" Reader Devonlass04 isn't keen: "Why not something more salubrious than that. It's such a beautiful building. It deserves.