Are you spending more time in the bathroom than you’d like? Loads of TikTok posts show you’re not alone. Young people, especially women, are increasingly talking on social media about gastrointestinal distress, such as irritable bowel syndrome or chronic bloating. Some experts say that’s mostly a good thing, because it may help others seek help for a topic that has been taboo.

But they stress it’s important to realize that many people are being paid to promote sometimes unproven products and there is rampant misinformation. Here’s what else medical professionals suggest you do if you’re experiencing digestive discomfort. Why are more young people talking about digestive problems so much? It’s not clear whether there’s a rise in digestive troubles overall.

Some experts attribute the trend to an uptick in anxiety after the pandemic in an already-anxious generation. Ample research and science shows that our brain and gut are connected through nervous systems. That means when your brain is anxious or you’re feeling depressed, it can relay those signals to your gut, which can make it harder for your gastrointestinal tract to function properly.

The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are unknown, but experts say the nervous system has a big effect on the condition and stress can make symptoms worse. Dr. Nina Gupta, a gastroenterologist based in Chicago, said managing her patients’ conditions often includes managing their mental health.

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