Yesterday, Ian Millhouse Millhiser posted this on Twitter/X: The United States Constitution is actually quite bad Wow..

. there is saying the quiet part out loud, and then there is whatever this is. Indeed, this led our own Sam to make a certain accusation.

.. Engagement farm much? pic. And maybe he is doing that, too, but I thought he deserved a point-by-point rebuttal.It is time for a good, old fashioned fisking, like grandma used to make.

So, let’s dig into this thing, shall we? First, wholly apart from any of the specific content of this post, when I first read this on my phone, the site did the most obnoxious thing, where it not only had auto-playing video, but the video would pop up and take over the entire screen, away from whatever I was reading. I suspect this hits me worse because I am dyslexic. (So much for that famous liberal sensitivity for the disabled.

) Thankfully, the desktop version didn't do that—at least not on my computer. Anyway, on to the substance. Let’s start with the title and subtitle: The nightmare facing Democrats, even if Harris wins If Harris wins, the Republican Party will almost certainly be able to veto anything she does, thanks to our broken Constitution.

Of course, the only person in the federal government who can veto anything is the President, but do go on, Ian. Over the course of its last few terms, the Supreme Court has effectively placed itself in charge of the executive branch. Um, no i.