were announced this week and as always there will be just as many tears as celebrations up and down the country. Some people will have got their grade requirements and already be packing for their first choice of university, but for others, this will be a long week of scouring remaining uni choices via clearing and crying into comfort food, before landing on an . To those people, we say - we get you.

Just talking about our dreaded A-Level results days, Team realised that few of us actually had good memories. A lot of us didn't get the results we wanted and ended up going to our second, third or even fifth choice of university. But that's ok, and without that happening, we wouldn't have got to where we are now.

Whether you go to Exeter or Cardiff and whether you go to university or not, you're still going to experience the same life moments. You will fall in love, you will make friends for life, you will find your career path and at some point you will be so poor that you will have to share a pot noodle for breakfast with your housemate. Nothing will change those facts.

No matter what you got in your A-levels, everything is going to be OK, so take a deep breath and read our stories because we were once you. "I applied to Cambridge with dreams of becoming a lawyer but completely flunked my interview. I was so nervous that I totally clammed up.

My head was spinning and I found it impossible to answer the first couple of questions. I ended up going to York University instead and .