McDonald's is one of the most popular fast-food chains in the world, with 43,000 locations worldwide, including restaurants, McCafes, and drive-thrus. The core menu has variations in every country, but the iconic lineup of McFlurry's, salty fries, and the Big Mac burger remain among the most sought-after products. However, many customers will know the experience of receiving an order that tastes warm rather than hot.
A former employee of McDonald's shared an insight into the fast food chain and revealed on a Reddit forum how you can get freshly cooked food every time you order. The user, who uses the alias Lithifried, said: "I work at Mcdonalds and I prefer people who come inside for cook to order food, doesn't hold up the drive thru at all." The Reddit user responded to a fed-up customer who revealed that they had seen the viral tip suggesting ordering "unsalted fries" to get freshly cooked ones, which McDonald's workers have deemed ineffective.
Under the alias Nahrwallsnorways, they wrote: "Employees talking about how angry it makes them. Saying things like, 'Just ask for fresh fries if you want fresh fries' or 'We keep unsalted fries to the side just in case someone asks, so we can give them old food for being dumb'. The McDonald's customer added: "I don't order unsalted fries.
Yet every time I go through the drive-thru and ask at the intercom, as nicely as I can put it, "Oh, and would you please make sure those fries are fresh? Thank you," I get handed a bag of lukewarm g.