Take one look at social media and you'll see swathes of people complaining about their randomly allocated seat on a flight. More often than not, those complaining about the lack of legroom and their windowless window seat are met with a sassy response from the airline. However, there was nothing about my recent flight from Stanstead to Eindhoven, Netherlands, that compelled me to take to X and have a grumble.

And that's because I was lucky enough to be chosen for the best seat in the house (or aircraft), all while avoiding splashing out the extra £20 or so for the pleasure. That's right, the travel Gods were on my side for once it was me who bagged the coveted 1A spot – and all from the random seat allocator. It's the seat that people look at and wonder 'how much money did you spaff to sit here' or 'why not me' as they pass and make their way to their infamous 30-inch legroom and 16-inch wide seat (the tightest in the game).

But while my seat wasn't any wider, oh did I have more – much more – than the 30 measly inches of leg space provided to those in the rows behind. If you're still wondering what on earth is so good about seat 1A on a Ryanair flight..

.well, let me tell you. The spot is right at the front of the aircraft meaning you have absolutely no one sitting in front of you – and that means lots of leg space for an outward sprawl.

It's certainly a rarity on Ryanair and other budget airlines. But, what is even better, is that it's the seat right next to the door.