"I'm going to Weoley Castle for breakfast," I told a pal, wondering if he was nearby and fancied coming along for a coffee. "Ew," he replied, snobbishly. That's a no then.

I drive over that huge island that all of the locals call a 'square' fairly often, never stopping en route to Asda Barnes Hill for those fat squidgy lemon raisin pancakes they do in the bakery section. It's not a square at all, it's more of a 'circus' or a 'promenade' really, a huge circular green with benches in the centre and shops all around the outside. And so on a bright and sunny morning, I tucked my little motor in one of the parking spaces all around the island and went exploring.

Read more: I went to a Chinatown cafe in Birmingham and had to eat with a shovel Sign up for the Brum Food Club free weekly newsletter for updates on what's happening in the city's food and drink scene . I began my walk smelling the flowers at the Buttercups and Daisies flower shop where a lady was arranging a bouquet. Inside is beautifully kept with loads of bunches to buy as well as memorial flowers and pots.

From there, I walked counter-clockwise around the big ring. In many ways, the neighbourhood feels like a time warp, with independents like a pet shop, two butchers, two flower shops and pharmacies as well as a barbers, hairdressers, funeral home and a shop called Smash 'N' Grab selling toiletries, homeware, toys, greetings cards and pretty much everything else you can think of. I was outside one of the flower shops,.