If you love adventure vacations, you probably think nothing of hiring a guide. Whether you’re sky diving in Interlaken, doing a in the Dolomites or heli skiing in Alaska, you’ll go out with a pro unless you have a death wish. A guide can plan your itinerary, set you up with gear rentals and handle permits so that you can focus on the fun part – dropping in for some thrills.

But do you really need help with all that for a simple trail running trip? One of the greatest things about running – even trail running – is how low maintenance it is. Sure, for heading out into the backcountry you need more gear like a , map and and a , but at the end of the day, the adventure involves lacing up your and exploring the wilderness on two feet. If you’re planning a trail running vacation, you’re already a runner so you know what to do.

At least, that’s what I thought when I was preparing for my recent . Verbier Tourism planned my itinerary for me and when they asked if I was okay with just having a guide for one of three days I said sure. I know and how to run, so I was sure I’d be able to find my way, and honestly, I’m a bit of a fan of my own company.

Luckily for me, fate intervened in the name of Elena Bonanomi, a Verbier trail running guide who turned out to be available for the entirety of my alpine adventure. She met me at the train station and we spent the next 72 hours running, hiking, eating and sleeping in close proximity to each other – and I couldn’t be h.