Alicia Briggs was bedbound and in the worst physical health of her life, weighing 429lbs, but she managed to shed an incredible 220lbs and is now a bodybuilder and fitness coach Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters An obese mother-of-four who feared her children might find her lifeless on the floor has opened up about her incredible transformation into a bodybuilder and fitness instructor. Tipping the scales at over 429lbs (195kg), Alicia Briggs from Maryland, US, was once imprisoned by her own physique, unable to stand for more than a few minutes without suffering agonising pain. "I was bedbound and in the worst physical health of my life," the 36-year-old recounted.

"I had always thought I'd be an active and involved mum. Instead, I could not participate in the simplest activities with my children." The turning point came in a moment that still brings tears to Alicia's eyes.

She said: "I passed out on the floor, and my then five-year-old asked if mummy was dying. That was the wake-up call I needed." Having battled with her weight since childhood, Alicia is now a source of inspiration on Instagram, guiding others through their fitness journeys.

"My relationship with food was very emotionally driven," she said. "At age five, I was often left alone at home. Food was a safe friend that made me fe.