A TEACHER claims a chicken nugget meal almost killed her when some frightening symptoms led to her being put in a medically induced coma. Amanda Clark happily tucked into a chicken nuggets and fries meal while out with a friend in September last year. 7 Amanda Clark has a severe fish allergy so opted for chicken nuggets and chips when she went out for food with a friend Credit: Kennedy News 7 But after finishing her meal, she began experiencing some frightening symptoms which landed her in hospital Credit: Kennedy News Half an hour after finishing her meal the 30-year-old said she started to feel seriously unwell, erupting in hives and her tongue ballooned in size.

The secondary school Latin teacher suspected it was triggered by her fish allergy despite neither her nor her friend eating any seafood, and that there was cross-contamination in the restaurant kitchen. Amanda used her EpiPen to try and ease her symptoms but when her symptoms didn't improve she drove to hospital. There, doctors gave her different types of medication, eventually putting her in a medically induced coma.

Read more on allergic reaction HIGH ALERT Would you be able to spot the subtle signs of killer anaphylaxis in your child? After being moved to a rehab hospital she fell ill with sepsis, underwent two surgeries and was discharged from hospital in October. Amanda, from Richmond, Virginia, US, said: "I'm allergic to all fish. I was at a restaurant with a friend and neither of us had any seafood.

"I ate c.