As I stepped into the golden hues of Jerusalem’s storied stones, the saffron threads of my Indian shawl felt like a bridge between two ancient cultures. The inaugural solidarity mission of the Israel India Friendship Club was more than just a trip; it was a beauty woven with empathy, resilience, and shared historical destiny. Organized by Stand With Us and Israel Is, our group of distinguished delegates from the Hindu communities of the UK and India came together, embodying unity and mutual respect.

Dan, the co-founder of IIFC and the organizer of this mission, shared a sentiment that resonated deeply with me: “Even though we are thousands of miles apart, the history of Hindus and Jews is remarkably similar. We are both ancient, indigenous, peaceful, and non-proselytizing peoples who have significantly advanced humanity. Both of us faced colonization by Islamic empires, which desecrated our holy sites and attempted to forcibly convert us, and later by the British, who partitioned our lands, leaving a legacy of conflict and Islamist terrorism.

Our histories are inspiring tales of indigenous liberation and decolonization, as we both regained sovereignty and freedom in our ancestral homelands. This indomitable spirit, along with our shared values and threats, unites us as natural allies. Jews and Israelis see India as the greatest hope for the future.

” Our journey began with a poignant visit to Kibbutz Be’eri. Walking through the kibbutz, the echoes of October 7th were p.