Join the Club! Get all the gossip on fashion and beauty and never miss out on top stories again We have more newsletters Join the Club! Get all the gossip on fashion and beauty and never miss out on top stories again We have more newsletters X Factor reject to founder of a smash hit beauty brand isn’t the most obvious career pipeline, but that’s exactly what happened to Mitchell Halliday, who is the brains behind Made By Mitchell . Having appeared on the ITV talent show back in 2016 as part of boyband No Getaway, Mitchell had initially dreamed of making it in the world of music. “If I wasn’t in beauty, I'd like to think that I would be doing something to do with music because pre being a makeup artist, pre Made By Mitchell, I was actually a singer.

I used to sing on the weekends, everywhere you could imagine, from pubs to working men's clubs,” he tells OK! . “I even appeared on X Factor as part of a boy band. It didn't work out, but if I wasn't working in beauty, I like to think I would have found my way in music somewhere.

” After making it all the way to bootcamp, Mitchell’s X Factor journey in boyband No Getaway came to an end, though he didn’t let that stop him. After singing Ariana Grande's One Last Time and plenty of eye rolling from Simon Cowell , he swapped music for beauty and the 25 year old, who is also known as Mmmmitchell online, began working in his friend’s salon where he built up his skills. Before long, Mitchell had amassed a huge online fo.