HUGGING Mum in the hospital corridor, so many emotions flooded through me. There was hope and worry, but most of all, love. She was about to undergo an 11-hour operation, but not because of any health problem.

Instead, she was having her uterus removed, so it could be donated – to me. She was risking her life to give me a chance of having the baby I dreamed of. Growing up, I’d always wanted to be a mum, and I had the best possible role model.

My mother Michelle, now 55, a disability support worker, was warm and kind, and a friend as well as a parent to me. Just 23 when she had me, as a young mum she was so much fun and we had a strong bond. Even after I left home at 18 to study to be a dental assistant, we’d speak on the phone every day.

In 2014, I told her about Nick, 31, who I’d met while out with friends. I’d instantly liked this laid-back, kind, handsome surfer. Soon, I introduced him to Mum, my dad Wayne, 52, and brother Joel, 30, and they were thrilled for us when we got engaged in December 2019.

Nick and I married the following April, and then decided to try for a baby. Two months later, I sadly miscarried at seven weeks, but in July 2020 I became pregnant again. Mum was already a grandma to Joel’s two children, and she couldn’t wait to meet her third grandchild.

In April 2021, I went into labour naturally, but because of the baby’s position, I needed to have an emergency C-section. I suffered huge blood loss after the delivery and was drifting in and o.